ACARiS Horse Protector

Unique artificial intelligence powered camera systems to monitor horse health and security: The innovative solution to keep your horse safe. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR MORE DETAILS..
Delivery date: 1-2 days

Every horse should have a guardian angel:

Most horses are not frequently monitored in their stables - especially at night. Usually, one last patrol through the barn before nighttime is only followed up by a check-up the next morning. This leaves long times for undetected emergencies.


most colics, as well as difficult foalings occur within these unsupervised times, yet require quick assistance.

Noticing such critical situations as soon as possible is crucial to avoid or at least minimize severe consequences.

This was the inertial driving force for ACARiS to be founded. HORSE PROTECTOR - a unique monitoring system - based on Artificial Intelligence (Al) grants access to constant supervision of your horse health and security.

ACARIS has developed a special Al enabling reliable alerting functions in case of colic, birth, or other abnormal behavior, and even human intruder detection. All of this WITHOUT any sensors on the horse's body.

The intelligent Surveillance system for your horse’s box stall:

HORSE PROTECTOR consists at its core of the unique ACARiS Artificial Intelligence (Al) combined with a user-friendly App for your Smartphone, Tablet, and PC as well as à special, High Definition IR-sensitive camera. The camera is simply mounted in the box stall and connected via WiFi, LTE, or LAN to the internet. Of course, you have constant access to live and saved videos and images within the ACARiS-App.

However, the main difference to other camera systems on the market is the continuous horse behavior analysis by the ACARiS-AI. The system will autonomously recognize any situations where your horse needs your help or is in danger. You will be alarmed in case of colic symptoms, if your horse is cast or if it shows other abnormal behavior, for example. Furthermore, HORSE PROTECTOR offers the most reliable birth alarm system on the market.

Finally, even your horse's security is covered by the integrated stable guard system that warns you in case of an intruder threatening your horse.

In any emergency, our Artificial Intelligence will alert you via call or push message.

Intelligent Behavior Surveillance:

HORSE PROTECTOR is the only box stall system that analyzes your horse's behavior as a whole. Artificial Intelligence interprets your horse's behavior in realtime by monitoring its feeding, drinking, lying, and movement activity, for example. Based on the characteristics of your horse the ACARiS-Al is able to learn your horse's behavior patterns.

Furthermore, the Al recognizes standardized symptoms and behavior patterns of for example colics, signs of birth, laminitis, as well as other occurring health issues. If any dangerous situation arises, the ACARiS-Al will alarm you via Phone call or Push message.


Reliable alarm in case of:

  • Colic
  • Laminitis
  • The horse being cast
  • Births
  • Intruders and more



The main focus of the horse's behavior analysis:

  • Feeding roughage
  • Feeding concentrate
  • Drinking
  • Lying
  • Standing
  • Movement patterns.

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