EQUUSIR Bios-Blanket

GETTING PERFORMANCE TO THE POINT Whether to increase concentration before the start of a competition, to relax after a transport or to activate before the daily training: vital functions such as blood pressure, muscle tone and respiration determine whether the horse’s body is ready to perform or can regenerate. The natural control takes place via the vegetative nervous system – specifically influenced by the impulses of the EQUUSIR BIOS-BLANKET.
Delivery date: 3-5 days
1- Signals that the body understands

The EQUUSIR BIOS-BLANKET generates electromagnetic signals. They build up an induction field in the space close to the body, which is perceived via neuroreceptors. The brain adapts important vital functions through the received signals: Depending on the program, the frequencies of the induction field differ and thus signal the required state from “activate” to “relax”.

The EQUUSIR BIOS-SYSTEM is particularly gentle on the horse and highly effective at the same time. This complementary method complies with the current Anti-Doping and Drug Control Regulations (ADMR).



Over the course of the day, various performance requirements arise, which are supported by the application of the EQUUSIR BIOS-BLANKET. The five programmes provide the body with a composition of performance-enhancing stimuli or recreational impulses.

The EQUUSIR BIOS-BLANKET can be used daily. The duration of the programmes is either 30 minutes or 3 hours. The maximum recommended application time per day is 3 hours in total (6 x 30 minutes or 1 x 3 hours).

The EQUUSIR BIOS-BLANKET can be used without medical training. However, it does not replace veterinary treatment, but supports a necessary therapy as a complementary application. It has an indirect positive effect:

– Hoof and joint problems
– Colics
– Blockades and tensions of the musculoskeletal system
– States of pain
– Impaired health
– Nervous excitement



When the body receives the signals for activation, many neuro-vegetative processes are supplied with more energy: breathing, blood circulation, metabolism. To support the natural energy flow, BIOS Bio-Stimulation Systems offer the Vitalizing and Activating applications.



In order to regulate and coordinate the balance via the powerful nerve plexuses, it is just as important to slow down the metabolism and allow the muscles to recover. This is particularly evident when eating and sleeping.

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